Deadpool #1 Review

Deadpool may have started life as a supporting character in X-Force, but he's truly grown into a franchise all his own in the three decades that have followed. That fact has its obvious downsides. Marvel's insistence on publishing multiple concurrent Deadpool books pretty much nonstop over the past ten years has ensured the character is perpetually in danger of wearing out his welcome. Rather than wiping the slate clean and giving Wade Wilson a fresh start, the latest volume of Deadpool only further contributes to the growing Deadpool fatigue.
While no doubt timed to bank on the excitement surrounding the Dawn of X relaunch, this new series has no connection to that ambitious overhaul of the X-Men franchise. This is pretty much business as usual for Wade. He accepts a mercenary job, things don't go as planned and quips are dropped and body parts are dismembered with reckless abandon. This first issue does little to break the familiar Deadpool mold, making it a tough sell to all but the most hardcore of readers.

In general, Marvel has struggled to create a compelling new status quo for the character in the aftermath of Gerry Duggan's lengthy run. Duggan profoundly changed the character, creating a completely new supporting cast, morphing an obscure marvel character into one of Wade's most fearsome enemies and exploring what happens when Wade tries and fails to become a legitimate superhero. That run has cast a shadow on everything that's followed, and this new volume doesn't appear as though it'll be able to escape that shadow anytime soon.

It's telling that this first issue tries to distinguish itself not with a dramatic new take on Deadpool himself, but by roping in various outside Marvel characters. While there's a fleeting appeal to seeing Wade bump elbows with the likes of Elsa Bloodstone and Gwenpool, these brief team-ups have a very shoehorned quality. The plot of issue #1 meanders back and forth. It introduces a new status quo involving Deadpool accidentally becoming king of the monsters but doesn't really establish why readers should care or what this actually means in terms of an ongoing direction. To put it simply, there's no real hook here.

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Kelly Thompson's handle on Deadpool himself is fine, but the book breaks no new ground in terms of characterization. This is just the usual impulsive, mercurial Wade Wilson we've come to know very well. Thompson's writing aims to find a happy medium between the humorous dialogue of past writers like Joe Kelly and Rick Remender and the narrative caption-heavy approach of Daniel Way. Again, the end result is fine, but not remarkable in terms of how Wade's voice and personality are depicted on the page. What's more, the dialogue tends to be overly long-winded, and the sense of humor is often strangely subdued without ramping up the drama to compensate.

Strangely, even Deadpool veteran Chris Bachalo isn't able to do much to enhance this book's appeal. In theory, Bachalo's style is an ideal fit for a series that combines the zaniness of Deadpool with Marvel Monster trappings. But in execution, this first issue doesn't leave a strong visual impression. Bachalo makes a number of frustrating framing choices, with panels that either zoom in too close or pull back too far. The fact that so much of the issue takes place in nondescript, snow-swept environments doesn't help. Nor does the fact that this issue features six different inkers over the course of 27 pages. Even the lettering frequently seems at odds with the art, as the visuals often draw the eye in one direction while the word balloons veer in another.
Despite a strong creative team, Deadpool #1 serves as a lackluster start to Wade Wilson's latest monthly series. Nothing about the character's portrayal or new status quo stands out in issue #1. The copious Marvel Universe cameos only serve to further slow down an already plodding narrative. And between the numerous inkers and the odd disconnect between art and lettering, this series doesn't capture Deadpool at his visual best, either.

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