Call of Duty: Modern Warfare March 3 Update Patch Notes Detail Playlist Changes

Infinity Ward releases a new update for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare that mainly makes changes to some of the game's playlists.

As expected, Infinity Ward has released a new update for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare on Tuesday, March 3. The new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare update mainly contains playlist changes, swapping out some playlists to give fans of the first-person shooter some fresh experiences this week.

First off, the Dirty Old House Boat playlist has been replaced with Shoot the Ship 24/7. This is bad news for fans of the MW2 map Rust, as it means it's out of the playlist and replaced by Shipment and Shoot House. Rust is also no longer the featured map in 3v3 Gunfight, as the Snipers-only variant has been replaced by standard 3v3 Gunfight.

As previously announced, the 1v1 Me Bro playlist has also been changed as part of the latest Call of Duty: Modern Warfare update. 1v1 Me Bro now features all of the Gunfight maps in its rotation, and it now has always-on UAV. Players can also hear enemy players talking during 1v1 Me Bro matches. It wouldn't be surprising if that leads to quite a bit of trash-talking in the game mode.

Elsewhere, other Call of Duty: Modern Warfare playlists have changed as part of the March 3 update. Boots on the Ground War, a Ground War variant that gets rid of tanks, is no longer operating under Realism rules. Giant Infection has also been removed from the game, though Infinity Ward did not offer an explanation as to why. It's entirely within the realm of possibility that the Giant Infection exploit that lets players become invincible on the Aniyah Palace map has played a role in the decision, though.

Outside of playlist changes, there's not much that's changed with Modern Warfare's March 3 update. A couple of new Uzi challenges have been added, and Infinity Ward has fixed some things that weren't working when in COD Caster mode. Otherwise, this latest Modern Warfare update is fairly low-key and uneventful.

Fans will notice that the Modern Warfare update makes no mention of the Warzone battle royale mode. Rumors have pointed to Tuesday, March 3 being a possible Warzone release date, though now that doesn't seem likely. The other date that fans have guessed is Tuesday, March 10, with some leaks from credible sources claiming that March 10 is indeed the Modern Warfare Warzone release date. With March 10 just one week away, fans shouldn't have to wait too much longer to find out if there's any truth to those rumors.

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