After previously announcing Title Update 3 for Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, Capcom reveals the date that the two creatures finally arrive.

After launching the PC version of Monster Hunter World: Iceborne in January, Capcom continues to make sure the game has plenty to keep players hunting into 2020. While the smash hit game already features tons to do in the form of hunting huge creatures as well as crafting various gear, armor, and weapons, the developer is preparing to add even more content to the game later this month. The third free update arrives in a few weeks and sets two new monsters on the loose.
This past weekend during PAX East in Boston, Capcom announced the official arrival date of two new monsters into Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. Raging Brachydios and Furious Rajang will be invading the game on March 23 for PS4 and Xbox One players. Unfortunately for PC players, the duos arrival is going to be a month later in April, though Capcom has yet to announce a specific date.

While Rajang is already an incredibly aggressive monster, the Furious version makes it even more deadly. Essentially, Furious Rajang is always in its powered up rage mode making it capable of rampaging at any time. As such, players should always be on guard and make sure to pack plenty of thunderblight resistant gear.

Just like Furious Rajang, Raging Brachydios is a more powerful and aggressive variant. Unlike a regular Brachydios, slime left on the ground explodes almost instantly, its tail causes large explosions upon hitting the player, and its arms can also cause blast explosions when striking the ground. Players should avoid hitting the red areas of its body and make sure to bring plenty of blast and fireblight resistant gear. The Fireproof mantle may also come in handy during this fight as well.
Unfortunately, Capcom hasn't revealed what else will be apart of the free Title Update 3 outside of both monsters. Improvements and fixes will likely be included but players will likely have to wait until the March 23 date gets a little bit closer for Capcom's full plans for the update.
In addition to Raging Brachydios and Furious Rajang, Capcom released a complete roadmap for the first half of 2020. Players have already been able to experience special events like the Grand Appreciation Fest and the Resident Evil crossover, but there's plenty more on the way. In April, fans can expect to see new Arch-Tempered and Master Ranks and well as Astera/Seliana Fest. By the end of April, both PC and console editions will be in sync finally, which means updates after that point will be released simultaneously for all platforms. Just in time as May brings back a currently unknown fan favorite monster while June also has plenty of new content to look forward to.