The Dark Pictures: Little Hope Gets First Creepy Trailer and Release Details

Supermassive Games reveals new details about Little Hope, the follow-up to horror game The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan.

The response to The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan was very positive. Supermassive Games created a horror game built on gameplay from a more traditional adventure game genre, intermixed with terrific lengthy cinematics. Man of Medan was just the start of The Dark Pictures Anthology, though. Supermassive has big plans for 2020. Today the team released a new trailer teasing The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope, the next game in the series, along with early release details.

Little Hope's previous release window was 2020, leaving Supermassive room for as much development time as the game needed. It has now updated that window as the horror game's development status becomes clearer. Fans of Man of Medan or new players to the series will be able to pick up and play Little Hope starting this summer.

To celebrate the announcement of Little Hope's narrowed release window, Supermassive has released a new trailer and shared some further details about the game. The new trailer doesn't offer any new gameplay, unfortunately. It features the same footage shown in the teaser trailer released on August 29. Rather, it focuses on influencer reactions to the Man of Medan, hoping to remind players just what they can look forward to later this year.

Supermassive CEO Pete Samuels offers up some new details about Little Hope. According to Samuels, Little Hope will feature four college students and their professor, "trapped and isolated in the abandoned town of Little Hope." The town itself is filled with "nightmarish visions that relentlessly pursue them through an impenetrable fog." Silent Hill fans are likely salivating at that description. Supermassive has clearly been influenced by that iconic video game horror series.

Samuels is also able to confirm that Little Hope will retain the multiplayer modes of Man of Medan. Players can play together online in Shared Story mode or play couch co-op, handing off the controller in Movie Night.

For the most part, Samuels confirms that Little Hope will be more of the same experience that was much enjoyed during Man of Medan. It'll be a heavily cinematic horror game with a movie-quality story. All of the characters can die depending on the player's choices, though they can also live if players pick the perfect path. Think of Little Hope as a sequel movie rather than a sequel game, as it doesn't appear to be iterating on its gameplay or scope.

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